
Total Control är vårt marknadsledande system för styrning av kompletta presslinjer, som även aktivt bidrar till en energibesparing på upp till 30%.

control system

Total Control

The control system is very user-friendly, it can be applied to any roll feeder and these installations are sold at fixed prices.

Komplett styrsystem för press, valsmatare, verktygskontroller, bandsmörjning, skyttelkörning, riktverk, haspel mm. Detta styrsystem innehåller funktioner som produktionsuppföljning genom ”Production Online”, kameraövervakning och Smarta utkastarkontroller.

More functions can be found below.

Total Control styrsystem från One Automation

total control




Recording of the last 30 seconds of production. At an alarm then the recording stops. The operator can then view the recording on the screen.


Ejector controls



Blow outputs, outputs for pneumatic cylinders & outputs for strip lubrication. 


Inputs for the press force control.


End of strip control


Input for strip control

Between feeder and press


Outputs for scrap ejectors & conveyors

These outputs will turn off automatically 1 minutes after the press stopped.

Does this sound interesting? Contact us now!

total control

More smart functions

Camera Function

Recording of the last 30 seconds of production. At an alarm then the recording stops. The operator can then view the recording on the screen.

Production Online

Monitoring of production data via your internal network or the Internet.

TEACH-IN programming

A new program for a new die is built up very quickly.

Synchronous Feed

With the press speed leads to smooth feeding without any fast moves in the strip loop.

Smart ejector controls

Contact us for more info! Increases productivity up to 30%.

CO² Optimized Control System

Styrsystemet innehåller en rad energisparande funktioner. Total besparing upp till 30%.

Maximizing Module

Warning lamp lights if the process is not maximized.
